Step-by-step tutorial

A few tips:

  • Links within the copy should take user to a page on your website that has relevant content, not just to your home page.
  • The safe play is to directly copy the URL of a page you want to link to, then paste. Then test the link.
  • Remember to frequently “Save Draft” or “Update” the page you’re working on.
  • How to add Experiences: Write the copy (one or two lines or more) using the headings as shown on Experience pages.
  • Designate the Experience heading as a Heading 3 tag; see choices under Paragraph drop-down menu.
  • If you add a new Experience, check the appropriate box under Listing Categories.



Add or change innkeeper photo

Watch the video below or follow these steps after logging in to the site:

Scroll down to Host Image in the skinny righthand column of your Directory Listing page.

Click on current photo, and an X will appear. Click the X to delete the photo, which will remain in the media library.

Click Add Photo button. That takes you to the Media Library. Follow the instructions to upload a photo.

Add Alt Text to the photo to ID the person(s) in the photo. Then click Select button in lower right of screen.